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Thursday, December 29, 2022

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meri saheli magazine subscription This article was published in the month of November ECONOMICALLY WEAKER SECTIONS (EWS) QUOTA Why in news The Supreme Court Constitutional Bench upheld validity of 103rd Constitutional Amendment which introduced 10% quota for EWS in education and public employment. About EWS quota  EWS reservation was granted based on recommendations of Sinho commission (submitted report in 2010).  meri saheli magazine price 103rd Amendment Act 2019 inserted Articles 15(6) and 16(6) in Constitution to provide reservation to EWS among nonOBC and non-SC/ST sections of the population. o The act enables both central and state governments to provide reservations to EWS. o However it allows state government to decide whether or not to provide reservations to EWS for appointment in state government jobs and admission to state government educational institutions meri saheli magazine yearly subscription

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Tuesday, November 1, 2022

arihant current affairs magazine

arihant current affairs magazine

arihant current affairs magazine article was published in security of northeastern region northeast is viewed as a strategically sensitive region that needs to be protected to safeguard indias national security visàvis its neighbors. o with an aggressive china frequently displaying the intention to challenge india (doklam galwan pangong standoff etc.) it is pertinent that india engages with nations in its neighborhood to protect regional peace and stability.  geopolitical greater engagement with region provides india a stronger diplomatic and economic foothold in a part of the world where chinas influence and presence are considerable arihant monthly current affairs magazine subscription.  

arihant current affairs magazine

Thursday, August 25, 2022

Pratiyogita darpan e magazine

Pratiyogita darpan e magazine

Pratiyogita darpan e magazine Published this article page no 16 auto insurance is a form of insurance available to consumers who own cars, trucks and other vehicles. it covers the insured party against the risks involved in owning or driving a vehicle. this may be a car accident, damage caused to other cars or property, loss to passengers in your car, and damage to your car itself. there are different levels of insurance available depending on what risks you wants to cover. you can cover against the costs of repairing your vehicle after an accident. you can cover the cost of purchasing a new car should yours be stolen or damaged beyond repair. these are optional covers latest issue subscribe pratiyogita darpan e magazine.

Pratiyogita darpan e magazine

Friday, August 12, 2022

General knowledge refresher

General knowledge refresher

General knowledge refresher covers all competitive exams Published this article page no 16 tribal education in india why in news recently government approved revamping of eklavya model residential schools set up for tribal students. status of tribal education in indialow literacy level according to census 2011 literacy rate for sts is 59% compared to national average of 73%.interstate disparity wide interstate disparity exists across the states e.g. in mizoram and lakshadweep sts literacy is more than 91% whereas in andhra pradesh it is 49.2%. in fact in most of the north eastern states like meghalaya mizoram and nagaland sts are at par with the general population.gender disparity literacy level among st men is at 68.5% but for women it is still below 50% constitutional provisions for tribal education latest general knowledge.

General knowledge refresher

Saturday, August 6, 2022

Competition success magazine

Competition success magazine

Competition success magazine use full for civil services students comparing sdm and cdm building blocks sdm cdm must contribute to overall emission reductionsnet mitigation established as a pure offsetting mechanism shifting not reducing emissions must account for mitigation targets of all countries under the paris agreement including their progression over time based on kyoto protocol where developing countries did not have a reduction target and did not take future climate commitments into account should promote ambition and encourage implementation of climate friendly policies created perverse incentives to continue business as usual practices and in some cases increase emissions beyond business as usual in order to be paid to reduce them must reflect and reinforce changing low emission technology and policy landscape credited many nonadditional projects must contribute to real measurable and longterm mitigation and sustainable development that contributes to overall shift away from fossil fuel lock in made questionable contribution to sustainable development including a lock in of fossil fuels competition success magazine buy.

Competition success magazine

bsc banking services chronicle

bsc banking services chronicle

Get latest issue bsc banking services chronicle now the scheme will cover all the poor households of the country. under this new beneficiaries will be those among holders of both ration cards and aadhaar who will identify themselves as poor through selfdeclaration. about the pmuyit aims to provide 8 crore deposit free lpg connections to women from bpl households by 2020. the lpg connection is released in the name of adult woman of the bpl family with a financial support of rs 1600 subject to the condition that no lpg connection exists in the name of any family member of the household.consumers will have the option to purchase gas stove and refills on emi (zero interest) recovered through lpg subsidy received by the beneficiary. challenges in further adoptionoverall cost most of the states cited initial high cost as a major barrier for adoption of this scheme. similarly nonsupport by the government at the refilling stage forces the poor to pay more than rich in urban areas bsc banking services chronicle magazine free download.

bsc banking services chronicle

Friday, August 5, 2022

shine india monthly magazine

shine india monthly magazine

Get latest issue shine india monthly magazine it also include addition to the volume index of index of industrial production (iip) and establishmentbased dataset of annual survey of industries (asi). gross domestic product (gdp) vs gross value added (gva)gross domestic product (gdp) is the monetary value all final economic goods and services produced in a country during a specific period of time.gva is measure of value of goods and services produced in economy.gva + taxes on products  subsidies on products = gdpgva is sector specific while gdp is calculated by summation of gva of all sectors of economy with taxes added and subsidies are deducted shine india monthly magazine telugu buy

shine india monthly magazine

Monday, July 25, 2022

grihalaxmi magazine buy diamond group

grihalaxmi magazine buy diamond group 

grihalaxmi magazine buy diamond group Published this article page no 32 dhyan chand award for lifetime achievement in sports and games is given to honour sportspersons who have contributed to sports by their performance and continue to contribute to the promotion of sports events after their retirement. rashtriya khel protsahanpuruskar is given to corporate entities (both in the private and public sector) sports control boards ngos including sports bodies at the state and national level who have played a visible role in the area of sports promotion and development. o overall top performing university in interuniversity tournaments is given maulana abul kalam azad (maka) trophy order of the druk gyalpo grihalaxmi magazine buy diamond group buy.

grihalaxmi magazine buy diamond group 

Saturday, July 16, 2022

General Knowledge Refresher

General Knowledge Refresher

General Knowledge Refresher Published this article page no  09 Torture and ill treatment The prisoners including the undertrials are forced to do severe labour without any remuneration and treated with utmost torture. There has been a continuous rise in the custodial deaths due to torture and illtreatment. Women prisoners are more vulnerable to abuse. Important Reform Measures taken so far in India  The modern prison system was conceptualised by TB Macaulay in 1835.  Prison Act 1894 enacted to bring uniformity in the working of the prisoners in India. The Act provided for classification of prisoners.  All India Jails Manual Committee 195759 to prepare a model prison manual.  All India Committee on Jail Reforms 198083 under Justice A N Mulla suggested setting up of a National Prison Commission as a continuing body to bring about modernisation of prisons in India.  In 1987 the GoI appointed the Justice Krishna Iyer Committee to undertake a study on the situation of women prisoners in India. o It has recommended induction of more women in the police force in view of their special role in tackling women and child offenders. Severe staff crunch 33% of the aggregate prerequisite of jail authorities still lie vacant whereas the ratio between the prison staff and the prison population in India is approximately 17.  Inadequate prison infrastructure Most Indian prisons were built in the colonial era and are in constant need of repair and part of them are uninhabitable for long periods. o This results into violation of dignity and basic living conditions which go against UNs Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners which suggest of minimum floor space lighting heating and ventilation provision in the prisons.  Neglect of Health Hygiene food etc The prisoners in India suffer from severe unhygienic conditions lack of proper medical facilities and consistent risk of torment and misuse. The kitchens are congested and unhygienic and the diet has remained unchanged for years now General Knowledge Refresher buy. 

General Knowledge Refresher

Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Drishti ias books

Drishti ias books

Drishti ias books Published this article page no  28 Role in social development and inclusive growth access to quality health facilities addressing location barriers providing realtime advisory to farmers and help in increasing productivity building smart and efficient cities etc.  The exponential growth of data is constantly feeding AI improvements. Examples of AI use in India  A Statement of Intent has been signed between NITI Aayog and IBM to develop Precision Agriculture using Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Aspirational Districts.  Microsoft India is using AI sensors to make farming and healthcare smart. Need for regulating Artificial Intelligence (AI)  Ethical concerns With popularization of a new technology its virtues are not guaranteed. For instance the internet made it possible to connect with anyone and get information from anywhere but also easier for misinformation to spread. o There are real concerns about the potential negative consequences of AI from deep fakes to nefarious uses of facial recognition technology.  Data Management as there is lack of clarity on data flow and data ownership which might result into data colonialism (data generated by developing countries yet not benefitting them). o Further data collection for feeding AI algorithms has its associated privacy concerns e.g. mass surveillance. o AI could contribute to the forgery of documents pictures audio recordings videos and online identities which can and will occur with unprecedented ease Drishti ias books buy. 

Drishti ias books

Saturday, June 25, 2022

competition refresher magazine subscription

competition refresher magazine subscription

competition refresher magazine subscription Published this article page no  53 Article 116 Votes on account votes of credit and exceptional grants. Procedure to be followed 1. When grants authorised by the Parliament fall short of the required expenditure an estimate is presented before the Parliament for Supplementary or Additional grants. 2. These grants are presented and passed by the Parliament before the end of the financial year. 3. When actual expenditure incurred exceeds the approved grants of the Parliament the Ministry of Finance presents a Demand for Excess Grant. 4. The Comptroller and Auditor General of India bring such excesses to the notice of the Parliament. 5. The Public Accounts Committee examines these excesses and gives recommendations to the Parliament. 6. The Demand for Excess Grants is made after the actual expenditure is incurred and is presented to the Parliament after the end of the financial year in which the expenses were made. Other grants Additional Grant It is granted when a need has arisen during the current financial year for supplementary or additional expenditure upon some new service not contemplated in the Budget for that year. Excess Grant It is granted when money has been spent on any service during a financial year in excess of the amount granted for that year. The demands for excess grants are made after the expenditure has actually been incurred and after the financial year to which it relates has expired. Exceptional Grants It is granted for an exceptional purpose which forms no part of the current service of any financial year.  28 Token Grant It is granted when funds to meet proposed expenditure on a new service can be made available by reappropriation a demand for the grant of a token sum may be submitted to the vote of the House and if the House assents to the demand funds may be so made available competition refresher magazine subscription buy. 

competition refresher magazine subscription

competition refresher magazine subscription

competition refresher magazine subscription

competition refresher magazine subscription Published this article page no  52 This is apart from 24 seats which have been reserved for areas of PoK and have to be kept vacant in the Assembly. What is delimitation and why is it needed? The Delimitation Commission for Jammu and Kashmir was constituted by the Centre on March 6 last year to redraw Lok Sabha and assembly constituencies of the union territory in accordance with the provisions of the Jammu and Kashmir Reorganisation Act 2019 and Delimitation Act 2002 passed by the Centre in August 2019 along with other J&Kspecific Bills. What is Delimitation? Delimitation literally means the process of fixing limits or boundaries of territorial constituencies in a state that has a legislative body. Who carries out the exercise?Delimitation is undertaken by a highly powerful commission. They are formally known as Delimitation Commission or Boundary Commission.These bodies are so powerful that its orders have the force of law and they cannot be challenged before any court.  27 Insta Curious Did you know that prior to August 5 2019 carving out of J&Ks Assembly seats was carried out under the J&K Constitution and Jammu and Kashmir Representation of the People Act 1957?  Supplementary demand for grants Context The government has sought approval from Parliament to spend an extra 1.07 lakh crore in the current fiscal year.The additional spending of Rs1.58 trillion is required for expenditure commitments towards settling loans taken from National Small Savings Funds for PM Awas Yojana and higher fertiliser subsidy outgo. What are Supplementary Demands for Grants? The supplementary demand for grants is needed for government expenditure over and above the amount for which Parliamentary approval was already obtained during the Budget session. Constitutional provisions Supplementary additional or excess grants and Votes on account votes of credit and exceptional grants are mentioned in the Constitution of India 1949.Article 115 Supplementary additional or excess grants competition refresher magazine subscription buy.

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Thursday, January 27, 2022

pratiyogita darpan free pdf

pratiyogita darpan free pdf 

pratiyogita darpan free pdf Published this article page no  128 Most of the problem with the system itself is in delays; the delay to get a speedy trial, the length of trials themselves and the time spent in correctional facilities.  With all that is involved in a criminal record from arrest to sentencing it is no wonder that things fall through the cracks.  Plus, prosecutors are less likely to report a misdemeanour than a felony because of the paperwork and time involved.  One thing the survey didnt ask is what each agency felt was the solution to this problem.  Maybe that was the first question they should have asked. If youve ever been convicted of a crime, no matter how small, you know the stigma that you carry with you because of that conviction.  Unfortunately, even something as minor as a shoplifting charge or disorderly conduct conviction can make life difficult in so many areas pratiyogita darpan atiriktank buy. 

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