competition wizard magazine

competition wizard magazine
competition wizard magazine

Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Drishti ias books

Drishti ias books

Drishti ias books Published this article page no  28 Role in social development and inclusive growth access to quality health facilities addressing location barriers providing realtime advisory to farmers and help in increasing productivity building smart and efficient cities etc.  The exponential growth of data is constantly feeding AI improvements. Examples of AI use in India  A Statement of Intent has been signed between NITI Aayog and IBM to develop Precision Agriculture using Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Aspirational Districts.  Microsoft India is using AI sensors to make farming and healthcare smart. Need for regulating Artificial Intelligence (AI)  Ethical concerns With popularization of a new technology its virtues are not guaranteed. For instance the internet made it possible to connect with anyone and get information from anywhere but also easier for misinformation to spread. o There are real concerns about the potential negative consequences of AI from deep fakes to nefarious uses of facial recognition technology.  Data Management as there is lack of clarity on data flow and data ownership which might result into data colonialism (data generated by developing countries yet not benefitting them). o Further data collection for feeding AI algorithms has its associated privacy concerns e.g. mass surveillance. o AI could contribute to the forgery of documents pictures audio recordings videos and online identities which can and will occur with unprecedented ease Drishti ias books buy. 

Drishti ias books

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